5th Recent Advances Workshop of CSI

The 5th Recent Advances Workshop was held 14-16 August, 2015 in Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. Over 400 graduate students and young immunologists attended the meeting. 27 leading immunologists were invited to give speeches on progress in immunology, including professor Nick Lemoine from British Academy of Medical Sciences, professor Xuetao Cao from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, professor Binfeng Lu from University of Pittsburgh, USA, and Liwei Lv from Hongkong University. The topics varied from the overall introduction of the development in the field of immunology in the recent years to achievements of Chinese immunologists, especially hot topics like tumor immunology, regulation mechanism of T cell and B cell, immunopharmacology, as well as AIDS immunology. Additionally, professor Qunyan Lv from National Natural Science Foundation of China gave a speech of suggestions about how to apply projects supported by the Foundation, which was warmly received by participants. Another special talk was an introduction about CSI Symposium of AAI (American Association of Immunologists) 2015 Annual Meeting, given by experts who attended the meeting.